A Tale of Two Heroines: Revisiting the Past with Gone with the Wind (1939) and The Wizard of Oz (1939)
In the year 1939, two blockbuster movies burst onto the big screen in brilliant technicolor, forever changing the face of American film: Gone with the Wind and The Wizard of Oz. On the surface, the heroines of both films have…
Reviewing the Classics| It Happened One Night
It’s common knowledge that most romantic comedies follow a formula. It’s not always a bad thing either. If you were to comb through film history to find the source of the rom-com formula, I would say undoubtedly that it comes…
Top 5 Romantic Comedies
In celebration of the upcoming Valentine’s Day holiday, it seems only appropriate to have our Top 5 reflect the most famous of Hallmark co-opted Catholic celebrations. We’ve asked fabulous and prolific contributor, Alexis Johnson, to give us her Top 5…