Who-ology| S01E11 Bad Wolf & E12 The Parting of the Ways (Pt.1)
From moment one, this two-part story is a thunderstorm that only grows darker as the episodes unfold. We open on our 3 heroes being suddenly, mysteriously, involuntarily transported into separate live-action television shows that all end with human beings…”evicted from…
Who-ology| S01E09 The Empty Child & E10 The Doctor Dances
This two-episode adventure is Moffat’s first real foray into writing for Doctor Who, after his highly respected WHO-parody called “The Curse of Fatal Death” which aired in 1999. These episodes, like much of Moffat’s writing, are full of delicious lines, and…
Who-ology| S01E08 Father’s Day
In previous episode “The Long Game,” we watched as the Doctor rejected one-off companion Adam for taking self-serving advantage of the Doctor’s invitation into time and space. The episode ended with the Doctor openly praising Rose, declaring that he “only travels with…
Who-ology: S01E07 The Long Game
“The Long Game,” written by Russell T Davies and directed by Brian Grant, takes the Doctor, Rose, and newly-acquired companion Adam (episode 6: Dalek) to Satellite 5, a space station in the year 200,000 that broadcasts news across the entire…
Who-ology: S01E06 Dalek
S1:E06 “Dalek” by Robert Shearman and Terry Nation Oh, this episode. This episode. It forces us to grapple with our concept of evil; it brings us to find it in uncomfortable places; and it begins our journey in a…