“Who killed the world?” This question haunts the now five-year-old masterpiece Mad Max: Fury Road. Though it is only uttered twice in the film, the state of Fury Road’s world demands it be asked. The barren desert landscape bears witness…

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The Economy of Redemption Storytellers and philosophers of nearly every century have speculated about the wondrous “second-chance” scenario, wherein a doomed individual or group is presented with a new lease on their legacy and future. The Orville – which frequently…

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Tully hit theaters right before Mother’s Day. The trailer shows a raw, though apt picture of motherhood and I would guess many people, like me, decided to take their mom to watch the film. I’m also guessing that most people…

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Animated movies have been stagnant as of late. Since 2015’s Inside Out, which ended up as my favorite movie of last year, there have been over a dozen major releases from big name animation studios. While some smaller animation studios…

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I loved Snow White and the Huntsman, it was a lovely, dark take on the age-old story that expanded the original world into a bigger place for the imagination to dwell. You can read my review for it right here.…

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I love fairy tales, they are my favorite stories. The darker the better, though I do like light and funny ones on occasion too. Fairy tales are another form of parables, as they are stories with deep meanings put very…

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If you ever need an excuse to the movie theater, tomorrow’s Earth Day holiday is the perfect excuse. There are not any movies that have anything to do with conserving our planet, but hey, why not celebrate by watching Chris…

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Best Actress this year was an incredibly tough category for the team. Many were confused as to when an actress went from supporting to lead. It is a question we wish weren’t so ambiguous. Sadly, there are still few movies…

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On this episode of the Reel World Theology Podcast: One of our most anticipated movies of the Summer may have just become one of the best movies of the year. With levels of hype that seemed unachievable, Fury Road surpassed…

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