My 2019 Top Ten list is going to look pretty ridiculous to almost everyone who reads it. I didn’t get a chance to see a lot of the end-of-year Oscar contenders, as a result of a new baby right at…

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I feel all end-of-the-year lists have to be prefaced. “What about this film?” “How could you place this type of movie so high—or that type of movie so low?” Yeah, yeah. It’s a reality. Well, I would preface my 2019…

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A new year is coming. Maybe a new decade too, but at least a new year. We can all agree on that, right? If you use a different calendar consider this extreme pre-planning, or bookmark this article and read it…

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These Avengers trailers need to chill, man. Just like the lead up to Infinity War, they always get me tossing up my hands declaring “they all gonna die!” and preparing myself for weeks of drowning my sorrows in ice cream. Especially…

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