Reel World: Rewind #003 – The Return of the King

Reel World: Rewind #003 – The Return of the King

On this episode of Reel World Rewind:

MV5BMjE4MjA1NTAyMV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNzM1NDQyMQ@@._V1__SX1393_SY685_Blaine is joined by Gene Gosewehr they continue to look at Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings trilogy. This month’s episode is all about The Return of the King, why it won so many Oscars, and the film’s multiple endings.  Let us know what you think about this beloved film by sounding off in the comments below and by continuing the conversation in our Reel World Theology Facebook group. Find Gene on Twitter or Letterboxd. Follow Blaine on Twitter.

Download Episode #003 Here:

Reel World: Rewind #003 – The Return of the King
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This episode included Blaine Grimes and Gene Gosewehr.

Blaine Grimes (@Dept_of_Tourism)
Reel World: Rewind

Gene Gosewehr (@WizrdofGOZ)
A Clear Lens Podcast

Podcast Notes and Links:

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The Return of the King on IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes

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