#065 – Inside Out and A Time to Weep

#065 – Inside Out and A Time to Weep

On this episode of the Reel World Theology Podcast:

We have waited for nearly two years since our last Pixar installment– and it looks like the wait was worth it. Inside Out is an incredible film that bucks convention and is as unique as anything we’ve seen in years. By taking us inside the head of an 11 year old girl, we learn more about ourselves and the people around us. While being critically acclaimed, the film has already developed a reputation for making even the most hard-hearted grown men cry. Is it manipulation or authentic emotional realization? We explore that and how well Pixar’s most adult film will connect with children– what many people would consider the film’s target audience.

Download Episode 065 Here:
Reel World Theology #065 – Inside Out and A Time to Weep
Reel World Theology on Stitcher


This weeks panel included Gene Gosewehr and Joe Darnell.

Gene Gosewehr (@LetThereBMovies)
Let There Be Movies (on Facebook)
A Clear Lens Podcast

Joe Darnell (@_JoeDarnell)
Moviebyte Podcast
TechTonic Podcast
Top Brew Podcast

Podcast Notes and Links:

[youtube url=”https://youtu.be/yRUAzGQ3nSY”]

Pixar on Wikipedia

Inside Out at IMDB

Inside Out at Rotten Tomatoes

Inside Out Review at Reel World Theology

Inside Out Review at Reel Gospel

Inside Out: The Necessity of Sadness at Let There Be Movies

Inside Out: The Gift of Grief at Norville Rogers

Inside Out: Surprised By Joy (And Sadness) at Screen Fish

Inside Out Review at Reel Spirituality

Why the Key Character in Inside Out is the One Who Isn’t There at NPR


One of the interesting things I found about Inside Out (and some issue I’ll take with the idea that they’re missing their target demographic, or at least a large portion of it) is that even for little kids who don’t feel the emotional depth and punch of this happening inside someone’s mind and affecting their life, it still stands up as a cute, funny quest film about Joy traversing a multi-colored landscape to get home. Take out all of the subtext and move the setting into a fantasy world called Rileesbrane or something, and it would still be a really cute quest film. Kids who aren’t old enough to really experience the emotional aspect of the film can still surely enjoy Inside Out on that level.

That said, you guys had a great review. I really appreciated hearing your thoughts.

I think that would be my feelings as well, David. I think the only part of your great “quest” perspective is the switching between Riley’s brain and her real life. I think that may be a little hard to follow and does interrupt the journey Joy and Sadness are on. Outside of that, I think it is a great movie that hopefully parents are taking their children to and then having great conversations about!

Agreed. My son is only 8 months old, but I’m looking forward to watching this with him, especially when we’re talking emotions. I think that if it does nothing else, this film will give kids a good language to talk about their emotions with their parents.

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