#044 – Mockingjay Part 1 and the Power of Propaganda

#044 – Mockingjay Part 1 and the Power of Propaganda

On this episode of the Reel World Theology Podcast:


We talk about part one of the penultimate installment of The Hunger Games series, Mockingjay. This series has been a great opportunity to look at the power that media and propaganda play in our lives and the lives of those who live in the dystopian Panem. Not only that, but through the power of performances like Jennifer Lawrence, we get to explore a more honest look at violence and the physical and psychological fallout that comes after being forced to participate in The Games. We also talk about how much we love a few regional food chains, because, reasons.


Download Episode 044 Here:
Reel World Theology #044 – Mockingjay Part 1 and the Power of Propaganda
Reel World Theology on Stitcher


This weeks’ panel included Matt Anderson and Joshua Crabb.

Matt Anderson (@manderson555)
The Sci-Fi Christian (@scifichristian)

Joshua Crabb (@JorshCrebb)
RWT Contributor
13Past1 Blog


Podcast Notes and Links:

The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1 on IMDB

The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1 on Rotten Tomatoes

Mockingjay: Katniss is Better Than Your Fairy Tale Princess at WadeBearden.com

The Five Biggest Differences Between the Mockingjay Book and Movie at Entertain This

The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1 Review at Christianity Today


Nice podcast guys. Especially liked your comments about President Coin. Not a reader of the books, but I was beginning to get the vibe at the end like she was shaping into someone not so different from President Snow. Definitely moving in that direction.

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