#039 – Cabin in the Woods and Accessible Horror

#039 – Cabin in the Woods and Accessible Horror

On this episode of the Reel World Theology Podcast:

Happy Halloween! It’s a holiday and we love doing special BONUS episodes, so, here we are reviewing one of our absolute favorite Horror (Comedy?) films, Cabin in the Woods. Not only is this an incredibly fun film, but it deconstructs the very nature of why we watch horror movies in the first place. “Who watches the watchers?”, the desire for transgressions to be punished, and the idea that maybe society isn’t worth saving, all on this episode!


Download Episode 039 Here:
Reel World Theology #039 – Cabin in the Woods and Accessible Horror
Reel World Theology on Stitcher


This weeks’ panel included Laura Fissel and James Harleman.

Laura Fissel (@laura_fissel)

James Harleman (@harlemanic)
www.cinemagogue.com (@cinemagogue)
YouTube Channel
The Book:
Cinemagogue: Reclaiming Entertainment and Navigating Narrative for the Myths and Mirrors they were Meant to Be


Podcast Notes and Links:

Cabin in the Woods on IMDB

Cabin in the Woods on Rotten Tomatoes

Cabin in the Woods and Knowing Your Audience on Think Christian

Cabin in the Woods Review at Cinemagogue

Horror, Gore, Fear, and the Christian at Cinemagogue

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