#030 – 22 Jump Street and Male Friendships

#030 – 22 Jump Street and Male Friendships

On this episode of the Reel World Theology Podcast:


We focus on 22 Jump Street, the latest offering from now famous duo Phil Lord and Chris Miller (Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs, The LEGO Movie). This movie represents a genre that is pretty underrepresented on the podcast– the Summer Blockbuster Comedy. This genre can take many forms, but it is often overlooked by people who are looking for “deeper meaning” from films. To further our cause that “Entertainment Is Not Mindless,” we try to lift the veil and see behind the jokes and, of course, point out that everyone needs a good laugh every now and then.


Download Episode 030 Here:
Reel World Theology #030 – 22 Jump Street and Male Friendships
Reel World Theology on Stitcher


This weeks’ panel included Mark Wingerter and JR Forasteros.

Mark Wingerter (@markwingdinger)
Re-View Series

JR Forasteros (@jrforasteros)
The Storymen Podcast
Origami Elephants Podcast


Podcast Notes and Links:


22 Jump Street on IMDB

22 Jump Street on Rotten Tomatoes

21 Jump Street on IMDB

21 Jump Street on Rotten Tomatoes

Bromance on Wikipedia

22 Jump Street Review on Fervr


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