Reel World Interview #001: Elijah Davidson and How to Talk to a Movie

Reel World Interview #001: Elijah Davidson and How to Talk to a Movie

We’re starting a new occasional series at Reel World Theology called Reel World Interviews. In these, we hope to talk to people who are actively engaging entertainment and pop-culture with the Gospel in mind. In our first interview we talk to friend of the show and author, Elijah Davidson. Elijah just published his first book, How to Talk to a Movie: Movie Watching as a Spiritual Exercise. It’s a great resource for those who are looking to begin engaging tv and film for more than entertainment. Have a listen and check out the book!

Download Episode the Interview Here:

Reel World Interview #001: Elijah Davidson & How to Talk to a Movie
Reel World Theology on Stitcher
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Reel World Theology on Google Play

Podcast Notes and Links:
Reel World Theology Discussion Group
ORDER: How to Talk to a Movie: Movie-Watching as a Spiritual Exercise (Reel Spirituality Monograph)

Elijah Davidson (@elijahdavidson)
Reel Spirituality (@ReelTweets)

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