#205 – Toy Story 4 and Necessary Metaphors

#205 – Toy Story 4 and Necessary Metaphors

On this episode of the Reel World Theology Podcast:

Another Toy Story movie! Wait, did anyone want this? Surely if they decided to follow up on Toy Story 3 the creators are one-hundred percent sure they had a story that needed to be told. Well, a lot of the talk around Toy Story 4 has been about “how necessary” the film was so we discuss that, and the meta-conversation around describing any film that way. We also have a divided panel about how the film rounded out. Let us know what you think!

Download Episode 205 Here:
Reel World Theology #205 – Toy Story 4 and Necessary Metaphors
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This episode’s panel included David Atwell and Gene Gosewehr:

David Atwell (@ilinamorato)
Reel World Theology

Gene Gosewehr (@WizrdofGOZ)
A Clear Lens Podcast

Podcast Notes and Links:
Reel World Theology Discussion Group
Toy Story 4 at IMDB
Toy Story 4 at Rotten Tomatoes
Toy Story 4 at Metacritic
Toy Story 4 Review at Fuller Studio
Toy Story 4 Review at Cinemayward
Toy Story 4  – Old Friends, but… at Screen Fish

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