#166 – The Post and Discerning Truth

#166 – The Post and Discerning Truth

On this episode of the Reel World Theology Podcast:

Often nominated, never winninated… or something. The Post looked like it was made for the sole purpose of winning an Oscar. What kept it from winning the big prize? Is the movie more than just a film that ticks all the boxes for Oscar nominations? Does this historical drama have something to teach us today? Didn’t we just have a movie about how important newspapers were? Are they still? What role should good journalism play? So. Many. Questions.

Download Episode 166 Here:

Reel World Theology #166 – The Post and Discerning Truth
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Reel World Theology on Google Play

This episode’s panel included Gene Gosewehr and David Atwell:

Gene Gosewehr (@WizrdofGOZ)
A Clear Lens Podcast

David Atwell (@RedeemCulture)
Redeeming Culture

Podcast Notes and Links:
Reel World Theology Discussion Group
The Post at IMDB
The Post at Rotten Tomatoes
The Post at Metacritic
The Post Review at Reel World Theology
The Post: A Duty to the Truth at Redeeming Culture
The Post Review at Reel Spirituality
The Post Review at Christian Today
The Post Q&A at Slash Film

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