#158 – Lady Bird and Attention as Love

#158 – Lady Bird and Attention as Love

On this episode of the Reel World Theology Podcast:

More awards movies! Also, movies that happen to just be good. With this we turn to Lady Bird, a movie that is making a LOT of Top 10 lists this year (often in the number one spot). With another great performance from Saoirse Ronan, this film has been praised for its authenticity and its ability to connect with its audiences. What exactly does that look like? What sets this film apart from similar “coming of age” dramas? We discuss.

Download Episode 158 Here:

Reel World Theology #158 – Lady Bird and Attention as Love
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This episode’s panel included Elijah Lovejoy and Hannah Lorence:

Elijah Lovejoy
Resurrection Church

Hannah Lorence (@hannitachula)
Hannah Lorence Blog

Podcast Notes and Links:
Reel World Theology Discussion Group
Lady Bird at IMDB
Lady Bird at Rotten Tomatoes
Lady Bird at Metacritic
Lady Bird Review at Reel World Theology
Fly Far at More Than One Lesson
Lady Bird is… a Beautiful, Hilarious Act of Love at Vox

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