#148 – mother! and Layered Allegory

#148 – mother! and Layered Allegory

On this episode of the Reel World Theology Podcast:

Another year, another controversial and (generally) Biblically themed film from Darren Aronofsky. Somehow, the divide seems to be even wider with his new film mother! than it was with his highly controversial imagining of Noah. We take a look at why people have been so put off by this latest work and why and how we can really love a film but also be incredibly annoyed at certain aspects of the storytelling– or non-storytelling.

Download Episode 148 Here:

Reel World Theology #148 – mother! and Layered Allegory
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This episode’s panel included JR Forasteros and Elijah Davidson:

JR Forasteros (@jrforasteros)
The Storymen Podcast

Elijah Davidson (@elijahdavidson)
Reel Spirituality (@ReelTweets)
Reel World Interview #001: Elijah Davidson

Podcast Notes and Links:
Reel World Theology Discussion Group
mother! at IMDB
mother! at Rotten Tomatoes
A Review of mother! at Reel World Theology
mother! Invites Christians to Check our Image of God at Norville Rogers
mother! Review at Reel Spirituality
mother! Review at Cinemayward
Darren Aronofsky’s mother! is an Explosive Retelling of Creation in Fire and Blood at VOX
Darren Aronofsky Confirms What mother! is Really About at Collider
The Director’s Cut, Episode 90: mother! with Darren Aronofsky and William Friedkin
mother! Gets an ‘F’ on Cinemascore, an Ironic Rare Badge of Honor at Slash Film
Paramount Defends Choice to Release Ambitious Flop mother! at Screen Crush

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