#115 – Hacksaw Ridge and More Than Pacifism

#115 – Hacksaw Ridge and More Than Pacifism

On this episode of the Reel World Theology Podcast:

hsr001After ten years of living in scrutiny from his Hollywood peers and the public at large, Mel Gibson is back in 2016 with his latest directorial debut, Hacksaw Ridge. For the first time on the show we do not have to side-step into the topic of pacifism as our historical hero, Desmond Doss, is a conscientious objector (or cooperator) who’s gallantry earned him the first Medal of Honor awarded to such a person. We get to talk about what that means and how Mel Gibson still has a love affair with violence!

Download Episode 115 Here:
Reel World Theology #115 – Hacksaw Ridge and More Than Pacifism
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Reel World Theology on Google Play

This episode’s panel included Blake Collier and Rick Lee James:

Blake Collier (@SacredLetDown)
Oh! The Horror Series
Blake I Collier Website

Rick Lee James (@RickLeeJames)
Voices In My Head Podcast

Podcast Notes and Links:
Hacksaw Ridge at IMDB
Hacksaw Ridge at Rotten Tomatoes
Hacksaw Ridge, Pacifism, and Mel Gibson’s Surrender at Reel World Theology
Hacksaw Ridge: The Bloody, True Story of Faith in Action at Christianity Today
The True Story of Hacksaw Ridge and Desmond Doss at People

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