In Theaters Thursday – 11-20-14

In Theaters Thursday – 11-20-14

In Theaters Thursday is Reel World Theology’s weekly look at new movies hitting the theaters near you this weekend.  We look at all nationwide releases, as well as some select limited releases that are piquing our interest.  Add your own comments or keep the conversation going on Facebook and Twitter and tell us what movies you are looking forward to this weekend!


Hunger Games Mockingjay Poster

The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1 – Are you reading this while standing in line?  Are you excited for the next chapter of the Hunger Games trilogy like I am?  Well, join the millions.  My mom and sister are actually going tonight to the midnight showing, so I’m pretty excited for them!  I really enjoyed Catching Fire, and the first movie was serviceable to kick off the series (if you didn’t cry when Roo died, you are a soulless, morally devoid shell of a human being).  I’m super pumped and can’t wait to write and talk about this movie in the near future!

Theory of Everything

The Theory of EverythingIncluded this movie in the limited releases a couple weeks ago, but now it is expanding into a wider release and is really the only other movie doing so besides Mockingjay.  The movie is the story of Stephen Hawking and his wife, Jane Hawking, their marriage, his diagnosis of ALS, and his achievements in physics.  It is based on Jane Hawking’s memoir called Travelling to Infinity: My Life with Stephen.  Eddie Redmayne plays Stephen Hawking and he is getting rave reviews for his performance, but the movie is not being raved about as much.  Again, I wish this movie was opening wider, as it sounds more interesting than some of the other movies coming out, but if it is playing in your city you should go check it out.


Happy Valley

Happy Valley – The Jerry Sandusky scandal at Penn State was a HUGE deal.  Being a sports fan I was really wrapped up in this story and the twisted web of lies and stories from those involved made it a media sensation when it went down in 2011.  This documentary follows Penn State, known as Happy Valley, in the year following the story breaking.  This is probably the only limited release that interests me at all and that I might want to see.  If you follow college football or sports in general, this is going to be something you want to get around to seeing.

The Sleepwalker

The Sleepwalker – The best I can gather from this film’s description and IMDb page is that it is Norweigan, there is nudity, and it’s weird…These are not compliments nor endorsements.  It is not getting the best reviews out of the gate, and doesn’t look at all interesting?  Why did I include it?  There is not a lot coming out this week.


V/H/S: Viral – The third installment in the V/H/S lo-fi horror series.  The problem with these movies, and many horror movies of its ilk, are the lack of actual scares and the focus on more gruesome and stomach-turning aspects.  True horror movies don’t trade scares for dry heaves or lack of appetite.  Another movie out of the gate with terrible reviews, you can save yourself the movie ticket and watch this on Amazon if you are so inclined.


Extraterrestrial –  Another horror movie (what’s the deal with all these horror movies coming out in November?) that is not getting strong reviews from critics or viewers.  Looks like a movie that has about a third of the intrigue and 1/100th the budget of Event Horizon.  However, it doesn’t look like it explores the horror element as much as gruesome images and disturbing scenes (again, trading scares for dry heaves).  You can watch this on VOD or on Amazon, as well, for $10 and save yourself the movie popcorn or Raisinets.

JoJosh and Titus 2sh Crabb is an editor at Reel World Theology, as well as sometimes contributor to the Reel World Theology podcast.  You can connect with him on Facebook, Twitter, or on Letterboxd.

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