In Theaters Thursday – 10-30-14

In Theaters Thursday – 10-30-14

Horns Movie

In Theaters Thursday is Reel World Theology’s weekly look at new movies hitting the theaters near you this weekend.  We look at all nationwide releases, as well as some select limited releases that are piquing our interest.  Add your own comments or keep the conversation going on Facebook and Twitter and tell us what movies you are looking forward to this weekend!



Nightcrawler – If you are the type who heads out to the theaters on Halloween weekend, especially ON October 31st, but you also like movies with a bit more substance than most horror fare, this is worth checking out.  Jake Gyllenhaal always impresses and I think he is slowly carving out a name as one of the best actors in the business.  This movie has gotten a good critical start and viewer response and I have also heard that it fits Halloween because it is not just a thriller, but it is deeply disturbing and goes a lot of places we don’t want thrillers to go.  Sounds freaky enough for All Hallows Eve to me.

Before I Go To Sleep

Before I Go To Sleep – This movie did not look good.  Also, it looked like Momento, except re-booted with Nicole Kidman as the lead and not nearly as good.  My interest level is about at zero with this movie.  I was actually bored before the trailer was even over.

Horns Movie

Horns – All the hyper-conservative Christian parents who wouldn’t let their kids read or watch Harry Potter are finally vindicated.  Harry Potter is the devil!  Nah, I’m just kidding, only Daniel Radcliffe is the devil.  The concept of this movie seems somewhat interesting, but I could even tell from the trailer that it looks like the story derails a little bit, which has been the consensus from critics and viewers who have seen it.  The movie has been out on VOD before this Friday, so you can find a bit more on whether this is a movie you will like or not.


The ABCs of Death 2 – Follow up to the previous.  Heard that is actually better.  Will probably never see it.  If you enjoy being scared and not sleeping, see The ABCs of Death 2.  I know you horror people probably think I am dumb and a wimp…and you’re right.  Enjoy this movie you silly, scare-o-philes!


Goodbye to Language

Goodbye to Language 3D –  French movie that is getting great reviews from critics as an art film on philosophy and life as metaphor, but is only open in select theaters in major cities.  If you happen to be in one of those cities, you are one of the lucky few.  I would actually go see this.  Very intrigued.

The Great Invisible

The Great Invisible – A documentary on the Deepwater Horizon oil rig explosion.  They interview oil execs, survivors, residents who experienced it, and explores the aftermath of that whole tragedy.  Not getting the strongest review but if you are interested in finding out more to the story and picking up a major event that has passed from our cultural radar, this will be your film to see.  Check it out if it is in your city.

JoJosh and Titus 2sh Crabb is an editor at Reel World Theology, as well as sometimes contributor to the Reel World Theology podcast.  You can connect with him on Facebook, Twitter, or on Letterboxd.

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