#026 – X-Men and Days of Future Milestones

#026 – X-Men and Days of Future Milestones

On this episode of the Reel World Theology Podcast:


We celebrate the one year anniversary of the Reel World Theology Podcast with a huge panel discussing one of the biggest and most anticipated movies of the year, X-Men: Days of Future Past. The X-Men Universe has always been one of the most obvious stories to discuss the allegory of marginalization found, even today, in society. This film also gives us more developed characters than previous films and that has us wrestling with the themes of regret, fear, hope, and what it’s like to be faster than everyone else in the room…

Download Episode 026 Here:
Reel World Theology #026 – X-Men and Days of Future Milestones
Reel World Theology on Stitcher

This weeks’ panel included Griffin Kale, Mark Wingerter, and James Harleman.

Griffin Kale (@griffin_kale)

Mark Wingerter (@markwingdinger)
Re-View Series

James Harleman (@harlemanic)
www.cinemagogue.com (@cinemagogue)
YouTube Channel
The Book:
Cinemagogue: Reclaiming Entertainment and Navigating Narrative for the Myths and Mirrors they were Meant to Be


Podcast Notes and Links:

X-Men: Days of Future Past on IMDB

X-Men on IMDB

X2 on IMDB

X-Men: The Last Stand on IMDB

X-Men Origins: Wolverine on IMDB

X-Men: First Class on IMDB

The Wolverine on IMDB

X-Men: Days of Future Past on Rotten Tomatoes

X-Men: Days of Future Past Review at Reel Spirituality

X-Men: Days of Future Past Review at Christianity Today

X-Men: Days of Future Past Is the Best X-Film Yet at Norville Rogers

Five Big Continuity Issues in X-Men: Days of Future Past at Slash Film

X-Men: Days of Future Past Oh God, Let’s Talk About That Ending at EW

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