#054 – Jupiter Ascending and Choose Your Own Theology

#054 – Jupiter Ascending and Choose Your Own Theology

On this episode of the Reel World Theology Podcast:

The Wachowski’s are often criticized for never living up to the potential they showed in The Matrix. While we do think that no other of their films has topped The Matrix, their body of work isn’t without merit. The panel gets together and discusses that body of work along with turning our eyes to their latest film, Jupiter Ascending. While already out of the box office race, it certainly had its moments of fun, despite what critics had to say. And honestly, we think sometimes fun is OK.

Download Episode 054 Here:
Reel World Theology #054 – Jupiter Ascending and Choose Your Own Theology
Reel World Theology on Stitcher


This weeks panel included Elijah Davidson and Josh Crabb.

Elijah Davidson (@elijahdavidson)
Reel Spirituality (@ReelTweets)

Joshua Crabb (@HeyItsThatJosh)
RWT Contributor
13Past1 Blog


Podcast Notes and Links:

[youtube url=”http://youtu.be/ZoCyL_Pqzu8http://youtu.be/uJfLoE6hanc”]

Jupiter Ascending at IMDB

Jupiter Ascending at Rotten Tomatoes

Jupiter Ascending Review at Reel Spirituality

Jupiter Ascending Review at Reel World Theology

Jupiter Ascending Review at Christianity Today

Jupiter Ascending Review at Reel Gospel

Stop Criticizing, Start Exploring at Reel World Theology

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