On this episode of the Reel World Theology Podcast:
We talk about a movie that we were all much more excited for before actually seeing it. Predator has become an all-time classic action movie but the movies that have come after have never really lived up to it, including Shane Black’s latest The Predator. We talk about what was right about the original and what went wrong in the latest installment along with the difficulty of following up on a beloved original. This episode sponsored by Patron supporters Hunter and Stephie Van Wagenen! Thanks!
Download Episode 183 Here:
Reel World Theology #183 – The Predator and The Value of Simple Story
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This episode’s panel included Matt Nunn and Ben Avery:
Matt Nunn (@matthewjnunn)
Matt Nunn Films
Ben Avery (@whisperingloon)
Strangers and Aliens Podcast
Welcome to Level Seven Podcast
Podcast Notes and Links:
Reel World Theology Discussion Group
The Predator at IMDB
The Predator at Rotten Tomatoes
The Predator at Metacritic
The Predator Review at Reel World Theology
#183 – The Predator and The Value of Simple Story
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