#114 – The Witch and The Subtlety of the Devil

#114 – The Witch and The Subtlety of the Devil

On this episode of the Reel World Theology Podcast:

witch001It’s time again for our Halloween Episode! We have had a lot of great horror films to choose from this year, but the one that has stuck with us the most has been The Witch. This was billed as a folktale, but is plenty eerie, and most of all, gives us a ton to talk about in regards to the supernatural and how the Devil works. Check this one out because it’s scary good!

Download Episode 114 Here:
Reel World Theology #114 – The Witch and The Subtlety of the Devil
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Reel World Theology on Google Play

This episode’s panel included James Harleman and Reed Lackey:

James Harleman (@harlemanic)
www.cinemagogue.com (@cinemagogue)
YouTube Channel
The Book:
Cinemagogue: Reclaiming Entertainment and Navigating Narrative for the Myths and Mirrors they were Meant to Be

Reed Lackey (@reedlackey)
More Than One Lesson Podcast

Podcast Notes and Links:
The Witch at IMDB
The Witch on Rotten Tomatoes
The Witch Review at Reel World Theology
The Witch Review at Reel Spirituality
The Witch: Agency for Eating Babies at Cinemagogue
The Witch: A Review and Some Thoughts on Christians and Horror Movies at Think Theology
The Witch Director Robert Eggers Talks About Bringing Puritan Fears to a Modern World at The Verge

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