Disney’s The Black Hole: David & Goliath in Space
We tend to associate Disney with family-friendly, kid-centric, animated films, replete with hip (On fleek is, perhaps, the more hip turn of phrase, but I do not know.) cultural references, ample humor, and an unshakable—if naive, or misguided—sense of optimism;…
Trektember TNG – #21: Relics
Age, Youth, and Pride: Kevin C. Neece returns to talk about “Relics” and about useful people, old and young.
Trek Backstory, part 15 – Season Two’s Highlights
Star Trek: The Next Generation tells some great stories, but the story behind how it came to be what it is today is pretty interesting, too; and even what happened behind-the-scenes can teach us a lot about the wisdom of…
Trektember TNG – #20: The Inner Light
Life of Joy: Mikey Fissel of Reel World Theology joins #Trektember to talk about Picard’s second life in The Inner Light.
#146 – The Case for Christ and the Evidence for Faith
On this episode of the Reel World Theology Podcast: We’re doing it again! We went for the longest time on this podcast without actually reviewing faith-based films and now, in the span of a few months, we’re reviewing our second?…
Trek Backstory, part 14 – Developing Season 2
The family on the ship and on the set grows closer as Trek Backstory looks at the preproduction of TNG Season 2.
Trektember TNG – #19: The Next Phase
Actions, not Assumptions: David Lichty returns to take a lighter look at death, life, and belief in The Next Phase.
Trek Backstory, part 13 – Between the Season Shuffles
Trek Backstory continues with the end of season one, and another cast member leaving the show – in both more and less dramatic fashion.
Trektember TNG – #18: I, Borg
Overlooked Progressive Racism: David Lichty wrestles with an increasingly difficult topic in this super-sized article about I, Borg.
Trektember TNG – #17: The First Duty
Truth in Action: Mark Wingerter of Reel World Theology returns to get to the bottom of The First Duty.