Pixar’s The Incredibles has taken on whole new dimensions of meaning for me since I’ve been married and become a father. While it’s long been one of my favorite films, hearing Mr. Incredible tell his wife “I’m not strong enough”…

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For 13 years, my father was a corrections officer in a high security prison in Texas. Among his wards was the infamous Eyeball Killer, a man who murdered prostitutes and surgically removed their eyes. During routine searches of the man’s…

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On this episode of Reel World: Rewind… With the upcoming release of Pixar’s Incredibles 2, it only made sense for us to look back at Brad Bird’s original superhero film from before there was the term “superhero movie fatigue”. This month, co-host…

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Ocean’s Eight makes you feel cooler for having seen it. Of course, it’s a heist film; and in a heist film, you first have to have a devious mastermind who came up with the whole thing. In the case of…

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On this episode of the Reel World Theology Podcast: We talk about the next installment in the Deadpool franchise(?). This time, the merc with the mouth is back and, while not letting go of the idea of being foul-mouthed and…

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On this episode of the Reel World Theology Podcast: We talk about the new Star Wars story, Solo. There has been a lot of talk since opening weekend about how this movie has failed, but we really want to know…

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Joseph Campbell said of the hero, “When we quit thinking primarily about and our own self-preservation, we undergo a truly heroic transformation…”. In the original Star Wars trilogy, George Lucas embodied this transformation in both the character arc of his main…

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Let’s just start by acknowledging that I really enjoyed the original Deadpool and have found the comic book character a guilty pleasure for some time. I had hopes for this movie but tried to temper them because sequels are almost…

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Editor’s Note: Welcome to the first in a new monthly series at Reel World Theology where contributors bring two films–often from different cinematic eras–into conversation with one another in order to investigate the elements (themes, technique, script, character, etc.) of…

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On this episode of the Reel World Theology Podcast: We do what everyone in the world is already doing– talk about Avengers: Infinity War. We go into spoilers because, honestly, this movie is coming up on the two billion worldwide…

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