Game of Thrones S8E3 – The Long Night
Now that we’ve emerged from the darkness (both literally and figuratively) of “The Long Night” and the great Battle for Winterfell, lets collect ourselves and look forward. Because one spin around the internet of opinions and you’ll see reactions to…
Game of Thrones S8E2 – A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms
Now I know what you’re probably thinking. Game of Thrones just gave us one of the best, most feel good and rewarding episodes of the entire series, so surely, it’s about to dash those dreams next week with death and…
Game of Thrones S8E1 – Winterfell
The end has begun in Westeros with a grand but ultimately thin welcome back for patient Thrones fans. Our first episode of the final season may have felt like trying to drink a milkshake and getting a strawberry stuck in…
Game of Thrones: S07E02 Stormborn
Allow me to invite you into a moment. You have a Band-Aid stuck to your skin. And I mean it’s really stuck there. Probably to some hair on your arm or something. It has done its job, your boo boo…
#021 – Game of Thrones and Moral Ambiguity
On this episode of the Reel World Theology Podcast:
We try to tackle the enormity of A Song of Ice and Fire, or, Game of Thrones to those of you who haven’t had a chance to read the books. IMDB puts it simply by saying that this is about “Seven noble families fighting for control of the mythical land of Westeros.” As fans, we have known it to be so much more. Love, betrayal, violence, power, lust, hatred, revenge… and dragons; it seems to have everything you could want in a story— including an ever-growing and impressive cast. The TV show is heading into it’s 4th season in just a few weeks and it is more popular than ever. We are here to take a look back at the previous 3 seasons and ask some fundamental questions about the show (and the books) popularity, its criticisms from the more conservative side of the isle, and, finally, it’s exploration of the human condition.
We do give everyone the disclaimer that even though we have all read further in the books than the 3rd season leaves us, we DO NOT spoil anything coming down the pipes. So, viewers, listen away!