Every movie is a story about redemption. Warrior (2011) and Good Will Hunting (1997) are no different, but what they tell us about redemption—and its source—could not be less similar. Good Will Hunting is a story about Will Hunting (Matt Damon), a…

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So, that’s it. The Eaters of Light is the last episode of the Twelfth Doctor’s run that has a self-contained storyline. It was a solid entry, not without its holes, and one of the better of the current season. But…

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Put an ancient warrior race of crocodile-like beings on Mars with a Victorian-era army, a mummified queen about to wake, a Doctor, two companions, and a Tardis and what do you get? Turns out, surprisingly an underwhelming episode of television.…

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It is not a well guarded secret that I am a huge Tom Hardy fan. He is one of four actors I will not miss, unless the movie is not in my area. A score of performances from 2008 to…

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