Trektember: Season 3 Wrap-Up
Well, that’s it. We did it. Yet again. (Did what? If you missed the entirety of Trektember, click here) Another Trektember in the can; another one-month mission returning to spacedock for an eleven-month refit. But before we get there—in the…
Trektember: Will You Take My Hand? | Star Trek: Discovery
The season finale to the first season of Star Trek: Discovery draws upon the depth of the entire season to deliver a show full of fanservice, callbacks, and worldbuilding in service of a uniquely Star Trek story. Of course, that…
Trektember: Mad Idolatry | The Orville
The Emissary from Above I’ve always had a complicated relationship with science fiction when it tries to tackle religious subject matter. More often than not, the religious ideologies are minimized and dismissed as lunacy, while a fundamental belief in the…
Trektember: The War Without, The War Within | Star Trek: Discovery
“We created something today in a desolate wasteland that had never seen life.” —Michael Here is a terrific episode, the best one of the season. It floats through what feels like the perfectly toned middle act of a great submarine…
Trektember: New Dimensions | The Orville
Much like trying to decide who your favorite iteration of The Doctor is for Doctor Who fans, I think that the Star Trek series a Trekkie loves most is usually the first one they spend any real time with. I…
Trektember: What's Past is Prologue | Star Trek: Discovery
Then war broke out in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back. But he was not strong enough, and they lost their place in heaven. The great dragon was hurled…
Trektember: Firestorm | The Orville
One episode after she put out a fire for a joke, Alara is so terrified of fire that a crewman dies due to her hesitation in the face of some fire. It’s not an auspicious beginning. There are a lot…
Trektember: Vaulting Ambition | Star Trek: Discovery
While some reviews of Star Trek: Discovery have lauded the second half of the first season because “the stakes are high, and the showrunners and writers aren’t afraid to let us know nothing is sacred,” I, unfortunately, didn’t see it…
Trektember: The Wrath of Khan | Classics
If it had been the only Star Trek thing ever, we would simply regard Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan as a great movie, like The Adventures of Robin Hood, Seven Samurai, Raiders of the Lost Ark, or The Dark…
Trektember: Cupid's Dagger | The Orville
Recap The Orville is called to Lapovius to broker a peace treaty between the planet’s two warring races, the Bruidians and the Navarians, who both lay claim to the planet. We are told the two groups have agreed to settle…