A Good Day to Die Hard Directed By John Moore Rated R John McClane: You got a plan? Jack McClane: Not really. I kinda thought we would just wing it, you know. Running in, guns blazing! Make it up as…

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The Life of Pi Directed By Ang Lee Rated PG Writer: So far we have an Indian boy named after a French swimming pool, on a Japanese ship full of animals, heading to Canada. Adult Pi Patel: Now we have to…

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Here is a humble list of my favorite films* from the 2012 movie year. It is a little self-indulgent as this will not be the main point of the blog from here on out, but there were some great movies…

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WElcome to Reel World Theology, where we believe the entertainment is not mindless.

After spending my entire life, to this point, enjoying movies with little thought of what those films were ingraining in me, I have recently been enlightened to the idea that entertainment is not mindless. Whether we realize it or not,…

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