Well, that’s it.  We did it. Yet again.  (Did what? If you missed the entirety of Trektember, click here) Another Trektember in the can; another one-month mission returning to spacedock for an eleven-month refit.  But before we get there—in the…

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The Emissary from Above I’ve always had a complicated relationship with science fiction when it tries to tackle religious subject matter. More often than not, the religious ideologies are minimized and dismissed as lunacy, while a fundamental belief in the…

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Much like trying to decide who your favorite iteration of The Doctor is for Doctor Who fans, I think that the Star Trek series a Trekkie loves most is usually the first one they spend any real time with. I…

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One episode after she put out a fire for a joke, Alara is so terrified of fire that a crewman dies due to her hesitation in the face of some fire. It’s not an auspicious beginning. There are a lot…

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Recap The Orville is called to Lapovius to broker a peace treaty between the planet’s two warring races, the Bruidians and the Navarians, who both lay claim to the planet. We are told the two groups have agreed to settle…

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Recap On a trip to a play planet for children, Dr. Finn, her sons Ty and Marcus, and Isaac are drawn into a spatial fold (a spatial anomaly that is a fold in spacetime) and crash land on a moon,…

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Nothing says classic science fiction television quite like an obvious moral allegory, right? A close second would be the whole thing where you pretend a single city represents the culture of an entire planet. You gotta love it. These things…

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This is the episode that brought me back to The Orvile after what I saw as a shockingly dull, unfunny and vacuous first episode made it the lowest of priorities for me. Here I saw what Seth MacFarlane was really…

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The Economy of Redemption Storytellers and philosophers of nearly every century have speculated about the wondrous “second-chance” scenario, wherein a doomed individual or group is presented with a new lease on their legacy and future. The Orville – which frequently…

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If the stars should appear one night in a thousand years, how would men believe and adore; and preserve for many generations the remembrance of the city of God! —Ralph Waldo Emerson I wasn’t familiar with Emerson’s quote before I…

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