Review| Game Night
Like the art of misdirection, comedies can hold an audience’s attention with on-point comedic timing or a well-placed moment of slapstick. It’s smoke and mirrors. While you’re laughing at a joke that played well, you might not notice (or care)…
Review| The Little Prince
The Little Prince: a story of love, friendship, and the art of remaining a child while growing up “I took their advice, and I grew up. I forgot all about being a child…” Any attempt to bring a beloved classic…
Top 5: Best Supporting Actress 2015
The role of supporting actress can often fall into a somewhat formulaic, empty version of a person with no real motivation aside from propelling the lead forward in the story. It’s when one can break that mold, pull the viewer…
Review | Aloha
In Cameron Crowe’s 1989 debut feature film, Say Anything…, John Cusack’s underachieving, kick-boxing oddball, Lloyd Dobbler, convinces his love interest, Diane Court (Ione Skye), into dating him and staying with him because he is a good guy who does the right…