Iron Man: The Avengers Disassembled
We’ve investigated the other three Avengers, but Iron Man is a bit different, a bit more layered than all of them. Is he a savior? A showboat? A suave vigilante? Maybe all of the above?
Thor: The Avengers Disassembled
The Crown Prince of a higher realm. The son of a god who is himself a god. Petitioning his father to use all his resources to send him to Earth in pursuit of a runaway adopted brother, a former heir to glory that he loves despite his rebellion which tossed a world into chaos. Sound familiar?
The Incredible Hulk: The Avengers Disassembled
Bruce Banner is a divided, risky, consumed man.
Captain America: The Avengers Disassembled
Superhero films have undergone an interesting transition in the last several years. Last decade, they seemed obsessed with the bleak, unsure, and angsty; Spider-Man,Elektra, The Dark Knight and even Superman Returns showed superheroes who were unsure about their missions, didn’t want the great power or great responsibility that had been bestowed upon them, and sometimes seemed to shirk their responsibilities.
The Avengers Disassembled: Preview
We’ll be taking a closer look at some of the themes and threads running through the lives of Captain America, The Incredible Hulk, Thor, Iron Man and Loki.