Trektember: Far Beyond the Stars
“You are the dreamer…And the dream.” So the street preacher tells Sisko/Benny in the back of the ambulance when he asks (understandably), “Who am I?” Dressed in Sisko’s Starfleet uniform, he still wears the watch, ring, and glasses of Benny…
Trektember: The Dominion Invasion
The breadcrumb trail begun in the second season ends here: the Dominion Invasion. Its events span the fifth and sixth seasons, from Sisko’s loss of Deep Space Nine during the season 5 finale to his recapture of the station seven…
Trektember: Waltz
My four-year-old daughter only likes the shiny things in Star Trek. “Star Strike” as she calls it (the mispronunciation is too cute to correct) really only fascinates her when the ships are jumping to warp or firing photon torpedoes. The…
Trektember: Civil Defense
Our situation is already pretty bad, but it gets even worse. Therefore we try harder, but it only ever increases our need for help. But in our lowest moment, instead of comfort, our greatest enemy shows up to taunt us.…