The Pains of Being Human: The Man Who Killed Hitler and Then the Bigfoot (2018) & The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part (2019)
We all live with the weight of our life’s choices. Some of those choices we seem to forget about by moving on with our lives. Others linger with us for a long time, perhaps even the rest of our lives.…
Reel World: Rewind #021 – Blade Runner
On this episode of Reel World: Rewind . . . Blaine and Shannon are joined by Aaron White of Feelin’ Film to discuss Ridley Scott’s Blade Runner. They talk about how the film addresses issues of humanity, memory, and perception. Be sure…
Oh! The Horror… | of Plausibility Structures of Powers & Poltergeists
The line has distilled itself within American culture, taking its place among a pantheon of iconic phrases immediately recognizable even to those who have never seen its source: “They’re here.” Unlike “Play it again, Sam” (which Bogart never actually says)…
Agents of Humanity
It seems that anything Joss Whedon touches these days turns to gold (or something even more valuable). This makes it no surprise that, with the success of The Avengers, Marvel has tapped him to be the overseer of their universe…