We have endless choices with our entertainment today. That’s no exaggeration. We can pretty much watch whatever we want, whenever we want, if we pay the right subscription fee. So, when we choose to spend our time on a show,…

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With one episode remaining in this crazy epic fantasy tale, we’ve finally gotten a lot of answers this week. The question is, are they the right answers? You know, I can imagine that Daenerys is wondering the same thing. Because…

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The end has begun in Westeros with a grand but ultimately thin welcome back for patient Thrones fans. Our first episode of the final season may have felt like trying to drink a milkshake and getting a strawberry stuck in…

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Well, now we’re all feeling it. You know, that gaping hole of emptiness in your chest left after the season finale of your favorite show. Why do things have to end, anyway? Who came up with that rule? Rhaegardless, if…

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You know, sometimes you can figure out what is going to happen on this show. Book reader or not, the writers set up the good stuff and leave you on the edge of your seat before they spike it to…

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