The One True Way™ to watch Star Wars is a hotly debated topic in many circles. With the completion of the Skywalker Saga last December and today’s release of the final film to Disney+, there’s no better day to watch…

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The saga that created the modern blockbuster is “over.” And while The Mandalorian, a plethora of upcoming Disney+ shows, and a still-rumored Rian Johnson trilogy will keep the Far, Far Away galaxy on our screens until the heat death of…

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Take a poll of casual fans to the Star Wars prequel movies and you are likely to have burning hot coals heaped on the head of Lucas’ second film, Attack of the Clones. I’ve heard everything from “awful” to “insulting”…

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On this minisode: We look at the impact that the Star Wars prequels had on us, both culturally and personally. With Attack of the Clones, we learn a lot about story– but maybe not the things we’d hope to. George…

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