Trektember: Into the Forest I Go | Star Trek: Discovery
This was the first episode where, for me, the Klingon scenes weren’t insufferable. Their speech finally sounded like language and actual communication rather than ceremonial correcting and positioning. It’s a too-common mistake made by shows set in cultures of deep…
Trektember: Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad | Star Trek: Discovery
Read enough articles about Star Trek: Discovery, and you’ll start to see a repetitive phrase: “this is the first episode that really felt like Star Trek to me.” We’ve even had a couple of variations on that verbal “time loop”…
Trektember: The Butcher's Knife Cares Not for the Lamb's Cry | Star Trek: Discovery
Author’s Note: Star Trek: Discovery is an unusually contiguous series in the franchise. As such, certain ideas and narratives cannot be discussed fully within the bounds of a single episode. For the purposes of this analysis, then, I’m going to…