A Link to Eternity
Last Thursday was the 20th Anniversary of the legendary Nintendo 64 video game console. Widely hailed for its power, innovation, and extensive library, it’s most beloved for the great memories people made playing games like Goldeneye 007, Mario Kart 64,…
Gotta Catch ‘Em All!
Yo, champ in the making! On February 27, 1996, Pokémon made its debut in Japan. Today, it celebrates its twentieth birthday. I wouldn’t get a taste of the series until it came to America in 1998, but from that point on it’s been one…
Dragons and Babies
Games are powerful. I don’t mean that in the “game systems have a lot of processing horsepower” sense. Games can make us feel something in a way that no other medium can. I could give you dozens of examples from the…
Casting at the Darkness: Dungeons, Dragons, and Jesus
It would be difficult to find someone who doesn’t have some sort of immediate reaction (positive or negative) to hearing the phrase Dungeons and Dragons. The many incarnations of the popular role-playing game have sparked both joy and fear in…
121,000 Voices
When I was younger, Christmas was when my parents would buy me the latest Pokémon game, and some of my favorite December memories as a child were of playing my brand new copy of Pokémon Red or Gold in the…
The Princess in the Other Castle
“All right. No, I’ve got it. Here’s how we save the entire video game industry. So, there’s a giant turtle-dinosaur-dragon thing, all right? And he kidnaps a plumber’s princess girlfriend. So now the plumber has to go rescue her, but…