Episode 008 hits us with a surprise as The Doctor is still being accompanied by Clara. After their blowup, we see that they’ve agreed to give it one final “hurrah!” But as this classy evening turns out to be more than…

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Episode 007 opens up with Clara throwing us right into things, “Hello Earth. We have a terrible decision to make…” From there things do not calm down. We don’t have a shortage of things to talk about and we also have…

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As season 8 reaches the halfway point, we finally get what seems to be the long-awaited meeting of Danny Pink and The Doctor. Does it go as planned or as we imagined? We talk about that and we do it…

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Episode #005 of Who·ology takes us on another detour adventure to the most secure bank in the Universe. Immediately we are thrown into a scenario where the Doctor, Clara, and two new accomplices, Psi and Saibra, are breaking into the aforementioned…

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Episode #004 of Who·ology gives us a lot to ponder as we humanize the Doctor even more with the help of everyone’s favorite Impossible Girl, Clara. While Clara is trying to navigate her first date with a co-worker, The Doctor…

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Our first guest! Mark Wingerter from Reel World Theology (and avid Whovian) joins us to talk about the most fun episode of Doctor Who so far this season, “Robot of Sherwood.” Not quite as deep or heavy as the previous…

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Episode 002 of the show has us not only diving further into the depths of Season 8, but also deep into the depths of a Dalek! While this episode reminded us both a lot of Season 1, Episode 06 “Dalek”…

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Episode 001 of Who·ology starts in a very convenient place– Episode 01 of Season 08. Our first real glimpse of Peter Capaldi is a good one. We also get Clara wrestling with everything she thinks she knows about the Doctor…

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