He’s alive, he’s awake, and he’s… kinda mopey? Jon Snow is with us again, and to be honest it was all a little anticlimactic. It seemed the appropriate tone for the usually somber Snow, but you couldn’t help but want…

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This week was a first. We got a shocking, cataclysmic reveal that only the television series has revealed to long time fans of the story that is The Song of Ice and Fire… Ramsey kills Roose Bolton! What?! Yeah yeah.…

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Let me sum up what we got from the first episode of the new and highly anticipated Game of Thrones season: Jon Snow is dead… or is he? The truth is we still really don’t know. Surprisingly, very little happened…

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Johnny Cash once said he liked songs about love, God, and murder. Surely we can assume he would have been a Game of Thrones fan. Broaden love to include sex, murder to include all manner of horrific deaths, and add…

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