Review| Doctor Sleep
“What do you mean, they’re trying to make a sequel to The Shining?” is what I thought when I first heard about Doctor Sleep. Not that I am a huge fan of the original, though it’s certainly a classic and…
Review| Pet Sematary (2019)
Filmic adaptations of books are tricky, and they will never be universally loved by all because of the various subjective attachments we have to the books. Yet, from the birth of cinema, that has never stopped Hollywood from making them.…
of the 1980s
Oh, the 1980s. What a decade, what strange dichotomies befall us in digging into the film of this era. Read sites about film in the 1980s and you’ll see thinly disguised passive aggression towards the general cinematic output of the…
The Shawshank Redemption (1994) & The Mist (2007)
Despite their Stephen King pedigrees and the guiding hand of writer-director Frank Darabont, few films initially appear to have as little in common as The Shawshank Redemption and The Mist. Released in 1994 to critical acclaim but little fanfare, Shawshank…
Oh! The Horror… | of IT (2017)
My personal history with the image of, specifically, Tim Curry’s 1990 incarnation of Pennywise the Clown is mired in chronological uncertainty and revisionist history. I don’t remember when I first came in contact with film, let alone the clown. When…
Streaming Weekly April 2016 2.0
As spring is hopefully in the air by you, we’re budding with new recommendations to shower you with joy and happiness on your small screen this weekend. From new TV to the best in streaming movies, our contributors are here…
A Theological Conversation with Pet Sematary (1989)
Stephen King admits that Pet Sematary may be the most frightening work he’s ever written. Maybe that’s why it’s so complex theologically; both the 1989 film and the 1983 book upon which it is based have lots to say about…
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