Had we but world enough and time, This coyness, lady, were no crime. We would sit down, and think which way To walk, and pass our long love’s day. – Andrew Marvell, To His Coy Mistress If we’re honest,…

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So, that’s it. The Eaters of Light is the last episode of the Twelfth Doctor’s run that has a self-contained storyline. It was a solid entry, not without its holes, and one of the better of the current season. But…

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Put an ancient warrior race of crocodile-like beings on Mars with a Victorian-era army, a mummified queen about to wake, a Doctor, two companions, and a Tardis and what do you get? Turns out, surprisingly an underwhelming episode of television.…

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Imagine a complete stranger walked up to you and asked “do you love me?” You’d probably quickly answer no and think they were crazy. Now imagine that stranger held a knife to your throat and asked the same question, “do…

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If you’re anything like me you probably sat in confusion for most of “Extremis.” That’s okay though, because that’s exactly what Steven Moffatt wanted. Why? No real reason other than to just keep you guessing. It’s textbook Moffatting. Despite this…

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As much as you can call me a Whovian, there’s another fandom term you could call me that I may even take more seriously than my love for the mad man in a box- Trekker. That’s right, I’m a Star…

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It took four tries but we finally got an episode from season 10 that feels like it has some staying power in the Doctor Who universe. In other words, “Knock Knock” might be worth a re-watch in the future, and…

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“Bill: Every choice I make in this moment, here and now, could change the future. The Doctor: Exactly like every other day of your life.” With a very uneven episode comes a very uneven review. I have been racking my…

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“Smile. You’re in the belly of the beast.” – The Doctor Well Whovians, were you happy with our newest episode? Sorry, I couldn’t start the review with anything other than that question. Too easy. Whether you’re smiling or not after…

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“Time is a structure relative to ourselves. Time is the space made by our lives, where we stand together forever. Time and relative dimension in space. It means life.” – The Doctor The Doctor as a professor at a university…

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